Friday, January 1, 2010

1/1/10 - Steven Carroll - The Lost Life

I started it early December - took a while to read - even though it is a small book. Very gentle and slow - thoughtful. About yearning for the past, wasting a life or grasping every moment. Loss of innocence - at times quite a beautiful book. The lovers are called Catherine and Daniel. Girl of 16 meets Emily - girlfriend of T.S. (Tom) Eliot. Emily forever the virgin - lives vicariously through Catherine's experiences that summer. Last few pages jump forward 50 years. Nice to be told how it all ends up.


  1. Interesting. T.S. Eliot's poems are all about the failure to accomplish very much. Kinda miserable but in a delicate way. 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock' is worth a read if you like the theme of unfulfilled promise and hopes raised but quietly dashed. I know I do. Also, Eliot had a disappointing marriage. I think she was bonkers.

  2. The book obviously has some historical facts correct then - Eliot's wife is the "woman who would not let go" - and is a bit of a nutter. I thought you didn't read fiction though Jim?

  3. Actually, I read a lot of fiction. Poetry even. But I don't talk about it on a web site. I have just read Imperium by Robert Harris and am now reading his Fatherland. None of this should obscure the fact that you are reading a Jeffrey Archer. Shameful.

  4. I bloody am NOT reading Jeffrey Archer. I have finished it. Reading White Tiger - although I may swap to the next of the Dragon Tattoo books.

  5. Well, now you have Jeffrey Archer's thoughts in your brain. Soon you'll be faking your qualifications, seeing whores and lying in court. All cos you couldn't hold yerself back from one book. Susan is reading the Dragon Tattoo now. She has no Archer tendencies I'm pleased to say.

  6. Hey Jimble - what makes you think I haven't already been doing all that anyway? Maybe Susan is more Archer than you think and is lying even about Archer tendencies.

  7. Hello Luis - any comments on any of my books???
